It's been nine years since the last Bourne movie (because most of us know the Bourne Legacy doesn't count). It's arguably longer than we should have waited, because there was still some room for them to work with. But here we are, with a new movie where apparently they couldn't think of a different name to give it (no "The Bourne ____" this time) and just settled on... "Jason Bourne."
And nine years later is just how much time has passed in between the movies as well; makes sense, considering Matt Damon does not look as young as he did in the other movies. And nine years later, he's hiding sort of off the grid... whilst still practicing skills by doing street fights, and the like. According to him, he "remembers everything" now; and thus he has no need to go on any more quests. Until his former partner Nicky Parsons approaches him with some new dirty CIA secrets she's uncovered. Which means, of course, the CIA is on their tails. Again. This time led by Director Robert Dewey (Tommy Lee Jones) and aspiring agent Heather Lee (Alicia Vikander). So once again, Jason Bourne is thrust into action.
In this film, some things have changed and some things haven't. This is still Bourne trying to find secrets of his past whilst on the run from the CIA (being led by an older white actor). This is still Bourne kicking everyone's butt he gets the chance to; he still hits hard, despite being older. And of course, there's still a car chase scene. And in one of the few glaring flaws, the movie makes a repeat of a big occurrence that happened in a previous movie (without giving away spoilers), but with a different character. The result (in that particular scene) actually feels uninspired.
So what *is* different? Unlike the other films, which seemed slightly dated occasionally even for their time (especially Identity), this film freely lives in a post-Snowden world of rampant surveillance and most of the technology you'd expect that goes with that. The other big thing that's different is Heather Lee; a big new wildcard in the Bourne franchise. Unlike pretty much every other CIA guy we've dealt with in the franchise, or even Pamela Lindy, whose intentions were clear, hers aren't always; we're often trying to guess who's side she's on, and ultimately, she seems to have a somewhat different set of intentions than her predecessors making her a very interesting character.
But in some ways, yes, this is more of the same. But is that a problem when what you've been given before was great before? If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Plot has a couple minor holes in it, but it still brings some very interesting new stuff to the table as well. The action and fights are still cool, and Tommy Lee Jones, even if he's playing the same type of character that Brian Cox and David Strathairn did before, he's still great at it. And the car chase in this movie (involving the SWAT truck) is arguably the best one in the series thus far.
Ultimately, the Bourne franchise hasn't seemed to lose much since Ultimatum; and what it has, it's made up for with its new additions. This movie proves that the series still has plenty to offer, and sets itself up for another sequel, which I can safely say I'm excited for as well. This latest installment is as exciting and fun (if not more so) as any other action/adventure movie you'll see this year.