Tuesday, June 16, 2015

The Hunger Games: Mockingjay, Part 1


We know full well that this sudden trend of making final movies of book series into two parts is really just an extra-money gig, and for those who may not be familiar with said books, it can be a bit much for them. So far, though, it actually seems to be working out pretty decently. Harry Potter pulled it off quite well, and it seems Hunger Games is on the road to doing the same thing.

For the beginning of the final installment of the Hunger Games Trilogy (or Quartet, now), this is the first film to not feature the actual games. Just like the books, this one is essentially just about the war while Katniss Everdeen, survivor of two Hunger Games, walks around in a mentally impaired state in the underground District 13. 

The "war" shows itself in two different aspects: the actual physical war (shown in a few various scenes where the Districts come together) and the political propaganda war that occurs on the television screens, which is the more emphasized "war." Katniss is made to be in various "propos" herself, and Peeta--captive of the Capitol--is made to try and call for a ceasefire. That's essentially the gist of Mockingjay Part 1, as Katniss uses the newfound power she has as the symbol of the revolution to force District 13 to rescue Peeta before he is killed. 

Mockingjay: Part 1 actually works out pretty well as the prelude to the grand finale. It moves a little bit slow at times, but so did the other two movies, and they ultimately came out quite well too. In many ways, the movies have improved over time--the production values have improved greatly (no more shaky cam!), the visuals are getting better, and Jennifer Lawrence is getting much better after just being okay in the first movie. 

For those who are not familiar with the story, however, it may feel incredibly slow and disappointing at times and may feel like what it admittedly is: a prelude to the actual finale. Despite that, I feel that it does a good job at being what it is. Yeah, if they had made it just one movie it probably would've been okay, but they're doing a fine job at making it two movies as well. 

Sadly, it's somewhat hard to look forward to Mockingjay: Part 2 (unless you haven't read the book) if you know what happens at the ending--on both the political and the emotional level. In that sense, Part 1 feels like the last breath of fresh air you get before you're thrown into the furnace. Whatever the case, Mockingjay: Part 1 is a worthy beginning to an end. 

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